
Clinical Evidence

Explore our collection of peer-reviewed literature and studies to see how EndoTool consistently delivers exceptional patient outcomes and elevates the standard of care with patient-specific insulin dosing.
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  • Clinical Evidence

Achieving Optimal Glucose Control in Critical Care Units at Atrium Health

20 minute read

Achieving Optimal Glucose Control in Critical Care Units at Atrium Health

20 minute read
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of different blood glucose (BG) target ranges for IV insulin infusions on inpatient glucose metrics, specifically focusing on hypo and hyperglycemic events, duration of IV insulin therapy, and length of stay (LOS) in the hospital.
  • Clinical Evidence

Atrium Health Lowers Hospital Stay for DKA Patients, Yielding $12 Million in Savings

Atrium Health Lowers Hospital Stay for DKA Patients, Yielding $12 Million in Savings

To compare the effectiveness of EndoTool IV in reducing hospital LOS and hypoglycemia rates compared to standard insulin infusion protocols.
  • Clinical Evidence

EndoTool IV Leads to Over 55% Fewer Blood Glucose Checks With an 84% Decrease in Hypoglycemic Events at UPMC

20 minute read

EndoTool IV Leads to Over 55% Fewer Blood Glucose Checks With an 84% Decrease in Hypoglycemic Events at UPMC

20 minute read
Investigating the impact of implementing EndoTool® IV (ETIV), a computerized insulin dosing algorithm, in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) across a 7-hospital system in Central Pennsylvania.
  • Clinical Evidence

Four-fold Decrease in Hypoglycemic Events: Easing the Burden for Nursing and Improving Patient Safety at UPMC

20 minute read

Four-fold Decrease in Hypoglycemic Events: Easing the Burden for Nursing and Improving Patient Safety at UPMC

20 minute read
UPMC Central Pennsylvania performed a three-month comparison before and after the implementation of EndoTool® IV insulin dosing software at one hospital. The analysis focused on patients treated for hyperglycemic and Diabetic Ketoacidosis, excluding COVID patients due to their smaller representation in the patient population after EndoTool® IV implementation.
  • Clinical Evidence

Improvement in Hypoglycemia Rates with EndoTool IV

10 minute read

Improvement in Hypoglycemia Rates with EndoTool IV

10 minute read
This study examines clinical outcomes following the implementation of a computerized glucose management system (EndoTool) in two intensive care units that treat the majority of DKA admissions at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
  • Clinical Evidence

EndoTool Software for Tight Glucose Control for Critically Ill Patients

20 minute read

EndoTool Software for Tight Glucose Control for Critically Ill Patients

20 minute read
This retrospective study evaluates the safety and efficacy of EndoTool® software for tight glucose control in the ICU.
  • Clinical Evidence

Glucose Management Protocol Development: A Successful Collaborative Effort

20 minute read

Glucose Management Protocol Development: A Successful Collaborative Effort

20 minute read
This multidisciplinary clinical improvement initiative compares patient outcomes before and after implementation of nurse-driven standardized intravenous insulin protocol in the ICU, supported by a dose calculator software application (EndoTool).
  • Clinical Evidence

Tight Glucose Control with Minimal Hypoglycemia

Tight Glucose Control with Minimal Hypoglycemia

This retrospective study evaluates use of EndoTool® to achieve tight glucose control for critical care patients receiving intravenous insulin and constant nutrition.
  • Clinical Evidence

Proof in the (Sugar-Free) Pudding: Implementing Computerized Insulin Drip Management

20 minute read

Proof in the (Sugar-Free) Pudding: Implementing Computerized Insulin Drip Management

20 minute read
This retrospective case study examines clinical outcomes following implementation of a computerized glucose management system (EndoTool) in the intensive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Using a Computer-Based Insulin Infusion Protocol to Improve Inpatient Glycemic Control

20 minute read

Using a Computer-Based Insulin Infusion Protocol to Improve Inpatient Glycemic Control

20 minute read
This retrospective quality improvement study examines the glycemic outcomes of pediatric and adult patients treated in surgical, medical and cardiovascular intensive care units as well as the emergency department over a three-year period following the transition from a paper-based insulin infusion protocol to a computer-based insulin infusion protocol (EndoTool).
  • Clinical Evidence

Use of a Computer-Guided Glucose Management System to Improve Glycemic Control and Address National Quality Measures: A 7-Year, Retrospective Observational Study at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

20 minute read

Use of a Computer-Guided Glucose Management System to Improve Glycemic Control and Address National Quality Measures: A 7-Year, Retrospective Observational Study at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

20 minute read
This retrospective observational study evaluates the impact of using a computer-guided glucose management system (EndoTool) for patients admitted to intensive care and intermediate units, with an analysis of data from a period of seven years, 16,850 visits and 492,078 blood glucose readings.
  • Clinical Evidence

The Monitoring and Improvement of Surgical-Outcome Quality

20 minute read

The Monitoring and Improvement of Surgical-Outcome Quality

20 minute read
This expository study features a NSQIP surgical quality improvement project involving the implementation of multiple best practices over a five-year period, including computerized decision support (EndoTool) for post-operative blood glucose management.
  • Clinical Evidence

Taking Control of Hyperglycemia to Improve Patient Care: How One Hospital Resolved a Low Benchmark Indicator and Became a Best Practice Site Through Use of EndoTool Glycemic Control Software

20 minute read

Taking Control of Hyperglycemia to Improve Patient Care: How One Hospital Resolved a Low Benchmark Indicator and Became a Best Practice Site Through Use of EndoTool Glycemic Control Software

20 minute read
This study compares glycemic outcomes before and after implementation of glycemic control software (EndoTool) for patients receiving intravenous insulin, all of whom were previously treated using a paper algorithm.
  • Clinical Evidence

Successful Utilization of a Computer-Guided Glucose Management System for a Surgical Care Improvement Project at a Tertiary Care Hospital

20 minute read

Successful Utilization of a Computer-Guided Glucose Management System for a Surgical Care Improvement Project at a Tertiary Care Hospital

20 minute read
This surgical care improvement project examines the correlation between utilization of a computer-guided glucose management system (EndoTool) and outcomes of national quality initiatives.
  • Clinical Evidence

Safety of EndoTool Versus Fixed-Dose Insulin Infusions for DKA or HHS in the Emergency Department

20 minute read

Safety of EndoTool Versus Fixed-Dose Insulin Infusions for DKA or HHS in the Emergency Department

20 minute read
This retrospective study compares the safety of EndoTool glucose management software to a standard fixed-dose insulin infusion protocol for patients presenting to an emergency department with DKA or HHS.
  • Clinical Evidence

Safety and Effectiveness of the Use of an Electronic Glucose Monitoring System Versus Weight-Based Dosing Nomogram for Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome in a VA Hospital

20 minute read

Safety and Effectiveness of the Use of an Electronic Glucose Monitoring System Versus Weight-Based Dosing Nomogram for Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome in a VA Hospital

20 minute read
This retrospective study compares the safety and effectiveness of an electronic glucose monitoring system (EndoTool) versus paper-based protocols for patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) treated with intraveous insulin in the emergency department or an intensive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Risk of Postoperative Hypoglycemia in Cardiovascular Surgical Patients Receiving Computer-Based Versus Paper-Based Insulin Therapy

20 minute read

Risk of Postoperative Hypoglycemia in Cardiovascular Surgical Patients Receiving Computer-Based Versus Paper-Based Insulin Therapy

20 minute read
This observational study compares the safety and efficacy of replacing a paper-based protocol with a computer-guided glucose management system (EndoTool) for the treatment of post-operative hyperglycemia in a cardiovascular intensive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Measure of Safety for Q2Hour vs Q1Hour Glucose Checks for Intravenous Insulin Dosing

20 minute read

Measure of Safety for Q2Hour vs Q1Hour Glucose Checks for Intravenous Insulin Dosing

20 minute read
This retrospective study compares the safety and efficacy of two-hour blood glucose checks (q2hour) to one-hour blood glucose checks (q1hour) with use of an electronic glucose management system (EndoTool) for intravenous insulin dosing.
  • Clinical Evidence

Linking Hypothermia and Hyperglycemia

20 minute read

Linking Hypothermia and Hyperglycemia

20 minute read
This case study examines the impact of using a computer-guided glucose management software system (EndoTool) for post-cardiac arrest patients undergoing induced hypothermia, a therapy with known risks of decreased insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.
  • Clinical Evidence

Improving IV Insulin Administration in a Community Hospital

20 minute read

Improving IV Insulin Administration in a Community Hospital

20 minute read
This study compares glycemic outcomes with a traditional paper protocol to a computerized glucose management system (EndoTool) for patients receiving intravenous insulin.
  • Clinical Evidence

Implementation of Glucose Management Software (EndoTool) Intra-Operatively in Cardiac Surgery Patients to Improve Post-Operative Blood Glucose Control and Compliance with SCIP INF-4

20 minute read

Implementation of Glucose Management Software (EndoTool) Intra-Operatively in Cardiac Surgery Patients to Improve Post-Operative Blood Glucose Control and Compliance with SCIP INF-4

20 minute read
This retrospective study compares SCIP-Inf-4 compliance with use of EndoTool solely for post-operative glucose management to SCIP-Inf-4 compliance with use of EndoTool for both intra- and post-operative glucose management.
  • Clinical Evidence

Implementation of Glucose Management Software in Cardiac Surgery Patients to Improve Postoperative Blood Glucose Control and Compliance with SCIP Measures

Implementation of Glucose Management Software in Cardiac Surgery Patients to Improve Postoperative Blood Glucose Control and Compliance with SCIP Measures

  • Clinical Evidence

Impact of Late Glucose Checks on Hypoglycemia Incidence

20 minute read

Impact of Late Glucose Checks on Hypoglycemia Incidence

20 minute read
This retrospective, quantitative study examines 10 years of data to determine if and how the timing of blood glucose checks impacts incidence of hypoglycemia during intravenous insulin therapy (managed with EndoTool).
  • Clinical Evidence

Hypoglycemia with Intensive Insulin Therapy After Cardiac Surgery: Predisposing Factors and Association with Mortality

20 minute read

Hypoglycemia with Intensive Insulin Therapy After Cardiac Surgery: Predisposing Factors and Association with Mortality

20 minute read
  • Clinical Evidence

Hyperglycemia Management in the Hospital: The Pharmacist’s Role

20 minute read

Hyperglycemia Management in the Hospital: The Pharmacist’s Role

20 minute read
This prospective study compares glycemic outcomes before and after implementation of a computer decision support system (EndoTool) for patients receiving intravenous insulin, all of whom were previously treated using a paper algorithm.
  • Clinical Evidence

Hydrocortisone Continuous Infusion Versus Bolus Dose on Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Subjects

20 minute read

Hydrocortisone Continuous Infusion Versus Bolus Dose on Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Subjects

20 minute read
This matched, retrospective cohort study compares continuous infusion hydrocortisone therapy to bolus dose hydrocortisone therapy for critically ill patients with septic shock, and specifically examines glycemic control outcomes (intravenous insulin managed with EndoTool).
  • Clinical Evidence

Guardian of Glucose, Consider Using an Electronic Algorithm to Achieve Postcardiac Surgery Glycemic Control

20 minute read

Guardian of Glucose, Consider Using an Electronic Algorithm to Achieve Postcardiac Surgery Glycemic Control

20 minute read
This prospective study compares post-operative glycemic control for cardiac surgery patients before and after implementation of a software-based tool for insulin dosing (EndoTool).
  • Clinical Evidence

Goal Range Effect on Hypoglycemia Incidence for Intravenous Insulin Dosing

Goal Range Effect on Hypoglycemia Incidence for Intravenous Insulin Dosing

This retrospective study examines the effect of goal range on incidence of hypoglycemia in patients receiving intravenous insulin therapy (managed with EndoTool).
  • Clinical Evidence

Glycemic Control in the Burn Intensive Care Unit, Focus on the Role of Anemia in Glucose Measurement

Glycemic Control in the Burn Intensive Care Unit, Focus on the Role of Anemia in Glucose Measurement

This study examines glycemic control challenges in a burn patient population, effects of glycemic variability on outcomes, and benefits of a computerized decision support system (EndoTool) over a traditional paper protocol for the management of intensive insulin therapy.
  • Clinical Evidence

Glucose Management . . . a “Must Have:” Computerized Software Systems Help Boost Outcomes, Reduce Costs

20 minute read

Glucose Management . . . a “Must Have:” Computerized Software Systems Help Boost Outcomes, Reduce Costs

20 minute read
This quality improvement initiative compares various glycemic control metrics before and after implementation of a computerized glucose management software system (EndoTool) in critical care, intensive care and step-down units as well as a progressive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Evaluation of the Use of Sitagliptin for Insulin Resistance in Burn Patients

Evaluation of the Use of Sitagliptin for Insulin Resistance in Burn Patients

This retrospective review compares exogenous insulin requirements before and after sitagliptin initiation as well as time to liberation from intravenous insulin infusion (managed with EndoTool) for patients admitted to a burn intensive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Evaluation of Glycemic Control with EndoTool Glucose Management System for Insulin Infusion Therapy

20 minute read

Evaluation of Glycemic Control with EndoTool Glucose Management System for Insulin Infusion Therapy

20 minute read
This retrospective review compares glycemic control with EndoTool to a traditional insulin infusion protocol for critically-ill patients.
  • Clinical Evidence

Evaluation of Glucose Management Software in Critically Ill Patients with Hyperglycemic Crises

20 minute read

Evaluation of Glucose Management Software in Critically Ill Patients with Hyperglycemic Crises

20 minute read
This retrospective review examines the safety and effectiveness of a computerized glucose management system (EndoTool) for critically ill diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic states (HHS) patients.
  • Clinical Evidence

Evaluation of an IV Insulin Electronic Glucose Management System Using FDA Cleared Feature of EREI (Estimated Residual Extracellular Insulin) to Prevent Severe Hypoglycemia

Evaluation of an IV Insulin Electronic Glucose Management System Using FDA Cleared Feature of EREI (Estimated Residual Extracellular Insulin) to Prevent Severe Hypoglycemia

This retrospective review examines effects of the specialized EndoTool EREI (estimated residual extracellular insulin) adjustment feature on glycemic control of patients receiving intravenous insulin.
  • Clinical Evidence

Evaluating the Implementation of the EndoTool Glycemic Control Software System

20 minute read

Evaluating the Implementation of the EndoTool Glycemic Control Software System

20 minute read
This retrospective randomized study compares glycemic control and related outcomes before and after implementation of a glucose management software system (EndoTool) in several intensive care and progressive care units as well as the emergency department, all of which previously used a standard paper protocol.
  • Clinical Evidence

Effects of Computerized Decision Support Systems on Blood Glucose Regulation in Critically Ill Surgical Patients

20 minute read

Effects of Computerized Decision Support Systems on Blood Glucose Regulation in Critically Ill Surgical Patients

20 minute read
This prospective study evaluates the impact of implementing a computerized decision support system (EndoTool) for the management of blood glucose in critically ill surgical patients, specifically, patients treated in surgical, neurotrauma, thoracic and cardiac surgical intensive care units as well as a cardiac surgical progressive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Effect of a Computerized Insulin Dose Calculator on the Process of Glycemic Control

20 minute read

Effect of a Computerized Insulin Dose Calculator on the Process of Glycemic Control

20 minute read
This prospective randomized controlled trial compares glycemic control and nursing satisfaction with a computerized insulin dosing system (EndoTool) to a paper protocol in a cardiovascular surgical intensive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Computer Decision Support Software Safely Improves Glycemic Control in the Burn Intensive Unit: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study

20 minute read

Computer Decision Support Software Safely Improves Glycemic Control in the Burn Intensive Unit: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study

20 minute read
This prospective randomized controlled crossover study compares use of a paper-based intravenous insulin protocol to a computer-based intravenous insulin protocol (EndoTool) for patients in a burn intensive care unit.
  • Clinical Evidence

Comparison of Computer and Paper-Based Protocols for Managing Hyperglycemia in Critical Ill Patients

20 minute read

Comparison of Computer and Paper-Based Protocols for Managing Hyperglycemia in Critical Ill Patients

20 minute read
This retrospective cohort study compares use of paper-based insulin protocols to a computer-based insulin protocol (EndoTool) for intensive care unit patients.
  • Clinical Evidence

Comparison of a Computer-Based Intravenous Insulin Program with a Standard Paper Protocol in Terms of Safety and Efficacy in Management of DKA Patients in Community Hospitals: A Pilot Study

20 minute read

Comparison of a Computer-Based Intravenous Insulin Program with a Standard Paper Protocol in Terms of Safety and Efficacy in Management of DKA Patients in Community Hospitals: A Pilot Study

20 minute read
This retrospective analysis compares safety and efficacy of a standard paper protocol to a computer-based glucose management system (EndoTool) for patients admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
  • Clinical Evidence

Clinician Satisfaction with Computer Decision Support in the Intensive Care Unit

20 minute read

Clinician Satisfaction with Computer Decision Support in the Intensive Care Unit

20 minute read
This clinical study measures satisfaction with two decision support systems among staff in a burn intensive care unit: a commercial glycemic management system (EndoTool) and a home-grown system used to guide initial burn fluid resuscitation.
  • Clinical Evidence

Can Severe Hypoglycemia be Eliminated? Introducing Estimated Residual Extracellular Insulin (EREI)

20 minute read

Can Severe Hypoglycemia be Eliminated? Introducing Estimated Residual Extracellular Insulin (EREI)

20 minute read
This retrospective analysis compares incidence of hypoglycemia with and without use of the specialized EndoTool EREI (estimated residual extracellular insulin) adjustment feature.
  • Clinical Evidence

Achieving Glycemic Control in the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit Utilizing an Electronic Glucose Management System

20 minute read

Achieving Glycemic Control in the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit Utilizing an Electronic Glucose Management System

20 minute read
This retrospective observational study compares glycemic control in the cardiac surgery intensive care unit before and after implementation of an electronic glucose management software system (EndoTool), i.e., versus a paper protocol.
  • Clinical Evidence

A Randomized Study in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Comparing Computer-Guided Glucose Management With a Standard Sliding Scale Protocol

20 minute read

A Randomized Study in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Comparing Computer-Guided Glucose Management With a Standard Sliding Scale Protocol

20 minute read
This prospective, randomized trial compares use of a paper protocol to a computer-guided glucose management system (EndoTool) for cardiac surgery patients receiving intravenous insulin.
  • Clinical Evidence

A Case Study: The Use of EndoTool in Obstetrics

20 minute read

A Case Study: The Use of EndoTool in Obstetrics

20 minute read
This retrospective case study compares glycemic outcomes for labor and delivery patients before and after implementation of EndoTool (i.e., versus a paper protocol).
  • Clinical Evidence

Evaluating the Effect of EndoTool Utilization for Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Patients at UPMC

20 minute read

Evaluating the Effect of EndoTool Utilization for Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Patients at UPMC

20 minute read
To assess the impact of EndoTool® IV, insulin dosing software, on clinical outcomes in two critical care units.
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