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Innovative Thinking > Product Selling

Recently, an article written by Prashant Dedhia was shared on LinkedIn titled, Don’t sell a product, sell a whole new way of thinking. The mantra of selling an idea instead of a product is a concept often overlooked in healthcare.

In order to sell innovative technology to executives, you have to not only change what those people think, but how they think. The author writes about companies that successfully market and sell innovation and are able to shift how people think not only about their product, but about themselves, the market, and the world.

When it comes to glucose management software in the world of healthcare, technology is an innovation that shifts the status quo and replaces existing knowledge and workflows. However, even though not everyone likes change at first, change is critical for our future, and disrupting the way we think about software is significant, especially when dosing glucose.

Dedhia suggests the following steps when it comes to shifting how people think:

  1. Identify the shift – what is the reason for the innovation?
  2. Find the sticking point – what is getting in the way of your success?
  3. Build the program – how does the new way of thinking play out in different situations?

When it comes to recommending a glucose dose, EndoTool replaces dated and linear insulin protocols with personalized patient treatment. The magic behind EndoTool’s innovation is to use sophisticated and predictive algorithms to optimize insulin dosing for even the most complex patients. In turn, institutions avoid costly readmissions, hospital acquired infections, and other hospital-acquired conditions that are the result of poor glucose control.

The innovative predictive intelligence behind EndoTool’s glucose management software is more than a product. This software is disrupting the way patient care is provided with a more personalized approach, becoming one of the safest ways to dose a dangerous medication. When selling a new way of thinking, the focus needs to be on the outcomes, workflow improvements, and safety.

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