Webinar: Why Patient-Specific Insulin Dosing Matters. Watch for free today!
eBooks and How-to Guides
Prepare your hospital for success with newly mandated CMS Measures related to glycemic management in inpatient settings.
Successfully Navigating CMS Measures for Glycemic Management in Hospitals
This ebook serves as a valuable resource tailored to assist hospital stakeholders in comprehending the electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) pertaining to glycemic management in inpatient settings with a special emphasis on the recent mandate for reporting on these measures.
Why This eBook is Essential for Your Hospital:
- Review of Mandated eCQMs: Solidify your understanding of the newly mandated eCQMs pertaining to glycemic control. Gain insights into the significance of these measures and provide a strong foundation for improving glycemic outcomes at your hospital.
- Expert Analysis of Best Practices: Gain a comprehensive understanding of best practices recommended by leading experts in glycemic control within inpatient settings and explore the challenges commonly faced by hospitals employing traditional paper protocols.
- Data Insights with EndoTool: Examine real-world data from hospitals leveraging EndoTool, the safest computerized insulin dosing software demonstrated to reduce hypoglycemia by up to 96.4% compared to other available tools on the market.
Who should download
- Intensivists and other Physicians
- Nurses
- Quality Improvement Teams
- Diabetes Educators
- Hospital Administrators

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