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Inpatient Glycemic Control Through the Eyes of AACE and ADA: Part 3

In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we provided answers to questions regarding the safety and improvement of inpatient glycemic control, as well as the recommended glycemic targets and how to achieve them. Today, we will explain the cost effectiveness of treatment, and the optimal strategies for the transition to outpatient care.

Improving the inpatient glycemic control protocol leads to an overall cost effectiveness for your hospital. Adopting a personalized glucose management software, organizations are able to achieve a 0.016%1 rate of severe hypoglycemia, a 61%2 reduction in hospital acquired conditions and achieve and maintain target goal ranges for 99.4%1 of patients. These savings are easily identifiable as short-term investments that provide long-term savings and big results.

What are the optimal strategies for transition to outpatient care?

The transition from inpatient to outpatient care is a team approach with the Diabetes Educator as the liaison between the patient and the caretakers. According to the American Diabetes Association, before the patient is discharged from the hospital, it is recommended that Diabetes Educator helps review the following:

  • Level of understanding related to the diagnosis of diabetes
  • Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels and explanation of home blood glucose goals
  • Definition, recognition, treatment and prevention of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia
  • Identification of health care provider who will be responsible for diabetes care after discharge
  • Information on consistent eating patterns
  • When and how to take blood glucose lowering medications, including administration of insulin
  • Sick day management
  • Proper use and disposal of needles and syringes

Computerized dose recommendations for hospitalized patients reduce risks associated with hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and hospital-acquired conditions, all the while setting a patient on the right track to a safe and timely discharge from the hospital.

  1. Multi-year experience of EndoTool customers; data on file.
  2. Tanenberg, R, Hardee, S, Garrison, H, Elbeery, J. Successful Utilization of a Computer-Guided Glucose Management System for a Surgical Care Improvement Project at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Poster session presented at American Diabetes Association 73rd Scientific Sessions.
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