How a Glucose Management System is Associated with Reimbursements
Every day, the United States fights the ongoing battle regarding the cost of healthcare. Reimbursement rates are dropping and hospitals question every expense in order to find justification for new tools and treatment options. The complex issue occurs when addressing all conditions, including hyperglycemia, a significant concern that is linked to higher mortality rates.
Despite the understanding that manifestations of poor glycemic control belong to one of the 14 categories of hospital-acquired conditions that CMS may not reimburse, hospitals struggle to implement a solution to control hyperglycemia. In today’s healthcare technology market, it can be more difficult to capture the awareness for new programs that avoid costly conditions than it is to implement the new method that will bring in higher reimbursements.
According to a Consensus Statement on Inpatient Glycemic Control published jointly by American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American Diabetes Association, intensive glycemic control programs have reported substantial cost savings, primarily attributed to decreases in laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology costs; fewer inpatient complications; decreased ventilator days; and reductions in ICU and hospital lengths of stay.
This information can help all decision makers understand the financial and clinical benefits of patient glucose management programs. Regardless of the particular glucose management program underway, adoption is critical.
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